Free shipping on bullion usually means higher premiums

Some online dealers offer free shipping on bullion when your purchase is over a certain amount. Is the shipping really free? Or is it somehow hidden in the higher premiums.

The myth of free shipping on bullion when buying online

When looking at the prices and premiums of online bullion one of the first things that many people notice is that the price of the same items can vary greatly from dealer to dealer. Sometimes it’s just that dealers may be charging a higher premium on some items.

More often than not the dealers that charge higher premiums per ounce offer a free shipping option with a low purchase price of around $100. This is because the dealer has to fit the shipping cost into their business model somewhere. Free shipping isn’t really free, you’re just paying for it somewhere else.

This is no different than when dealers charge a 4% additional fee for paying for bullion with a credit card or Paypal. The additional cost gets added into the product margin somehow.

When you look at our quick glance silver bullion price comparison chart one of the first thing you notice is that the lowest prices per ounce are most often from dealers that charge a nominal shipping charge.

Of the dealers that charge shipping, most shipping charges are in the $5 to $10 per order range depending on the class of service and the weight of the order. When looking for the best silver prices online it is important to take into consideration the shipping charges. The cost of shipping should be spread out over each ounce in your order.