Gold: $3017.30  Silver: $33.64  Platinum: $980.41  90% Junk $1 FV: $24.05  Gold/Silver Ratio: 89.69

Compare Silver Eagle Prices

Find out which dealers have the absolute lowest prices on American Silver Eagles. The table below contains the best prices of Silver Eagles from trusted and reputable major dealers.

Our price comparison engine finds the cheapest prices for Silver Eagles from online bullion dealers. The prices shown on our website are pulled directly from each dealer's public facing websites are not biased or influenced by any dealers. Our pricing engine and product information is dealer agnostic.

The prices shown are dealer "cash" prices for a single quantity of the item. This represents the most fair and equal representation of prices across online bullion dealers. Quantity discounts, different payment methods and/or shipping charges may effect final price where applicable.

Silver Spot Price
$33.64 / oz

Random Year
Silver Eagle

American Silver Eagle Coins

Silver Eagle

2022 American Silver Eagle Coins

Type 2
Silver Eagle

2019 American Silver Eagle Coins
SD Bullion
BGASC $39.37 $41.88
Silver Gold Bull $38.00
Money Metals Exchange
APMEX $39.91 $46.93
JM Bullion
Monument Metals
Prices Last Updated: March 26, 2025 11:50 AM