This gold coin contains 0.968 troy ounces of bullion. Based on the metal content and weight, the intrinsic melt value of one $20 Double Eagle Liberty Gold Coin (BU) is $2638.89 based on today's gold spot price.
Current retail values for $20 Liberty Double Eagle Gold Coin range from $2684.94 to $2767.37. Compare Prices.
Pre-1933 gold coins carry historical significance and reflect a time when gold coins were a common form of currency. Pre-1933 gold coins are not only valued for their gold content but also for their numismatic worth. Their rarity, condition, and historical context contribute to their collectible value, which can appreciate independently of the gold market.
Weight | .9675 oz |
Country | United States |
Type | Gold Coin |
Mint | US Mint |
Face Value | $20 |
Purity | .900 fineness |