BRICS: A New Global Gold Standard

Gold has been an instrumental component of the economy since before the American Revolution. Our founding fathers had the forethought to include gold and silver coins in the Constitution. A metallic standard was a central foundation for the economy in the United States based on gold and silver coins. The US Mint was established on … Read moreBRICS: A New Global Gold Standard

Zimbabwe to Issue Gold Coins in New Weight and Currency Denominations

Earlier this year the government of Zimbabwe released a one troy ounce gold coin as a tool for the Central Bank to help keep inflation under control. For many years the Zimbabwe economy has not only been the butt of many jokes, it has served as a very public example of how rampant and out … Read moreZimbabwe to Issue Gold Coins in New Weight and Currency Denominations

Zimbabwe debuts gold coins to fight inflation as local currency tumbles

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) announced that it will begin selling gold coins this month as a store of value to tame runaway inflation, which has considerably weakened the local currency. The announcement comes after the country’s banking regulators raised a key interest rate to 200%, the highest in the world. Inflation in the … Read moreZimbabwe debuts gold coins to fight inflation as local currency tumbles

Is Owning Precious Metals Legal?

On April 5, 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 which outlawed the private ownership of gold by citizens.

For a duration lasting 41 years in the mid-20th century, the government made it a crime for the people to own, hold or transact in sound money.

Following the resignation of Nixon, one of the first laws signed by President Ford included a bill which reversed Roosevelt’s Executive Orders.

It has been legal for anyone to own, hoard, buy and sell gold in the United States since December 1, 1974.

Gold Jewelry as an Investment – 24k Gold Jewelry

24k gold jewelry - 1 troy ounce bracelet

Just as with other forms of precious metals, such as coins, bars and rounds, investing in 24k gold jewelry makes practical sense. Jewelry made from 24k gold makes an excellent store of wealth. The value of the jewelry is not diluted by outrageous retail markups and the use of alloys to reduce the purity.

Anyone crossing international borders is required to declare any financial instruments valued at over $10,000. Jewelry made from 24k gold isn’t a financial instrument and in most cases does not need to be declared when traveling internationally. It’s possible that an individual could carry more than $10,000 worth of 24k gold jewelry while traveling.