Silver Eagle Sales Down Year over Year in January
Slowing demand likely caused by excessive premiums resulting from last year’s supply chain and production problems
Slowing demand likely caused by excessive premiums resulting from last year’s supply chain and production problems
The global economy is shifting back towards some form of a gold standard while the Federal Reserve is piloting various CBDC projects, new legislation introduced in Congress to block the Fed from issuing individual accounts
Some see the rise in demand by central banks buying gold as a signal that countries that have been bullied by Western economic policies as being eager for an alternative system that will create a more equitable system and fairer monetary standard.
Employment in the mining sector has fallen over 20% in the last decade due mine shutdowns resulting from the decline in demand for coal
Having a sizable store of central bank gold provides stability for a nation’s fiat currency, and gives confidence to foreign trading partners
Smart, lower silver premium alternatives to help lower dollar-cost average
Preliminary data shows that silver mine output increased by 4% global last year.
While SpaceX is currently the leading company in commoditizing space travel, a new startup is preparing to launch a prototype demonstration outer space refinery.
Pre-pandemic, many online bullion dealers would offer new customers the opportunity to buy 5 oz or 10 oz of silver at spot price.
Both the Perth Mint and the Royal Mint have announced huge increases in year over year sales of precious metals.