Federal Reserve Votes to Raise Key Interest Rate .75%

As expected, the Federal Open Market Committee hiked the benchmark interest rate by 3/4 of a percentage point at the end of their two day meeting. Ongoing failed attempts by the Biden administration and Congress to get worries about the economy and a recession out of the minds of voters leading into the mid-term elections … Read moreFederal Reserve Votes to Raise Key Interest Rate .75%

Federal Open Market Committee 2023 Agenda

The Federal Open Market Committee is the part of the Federal Reserve that is responsible for managing open market operations. The FOMC uses the three primary tools to influence the direction of the economy. The Federal Reserve influences the demand for, and supply of, balances that depository institutions hold at Federal Reserve Banks. This gives … Read moreFederal Open Market Committee 2023 Agenda

JP Morgan Chase Paid $920 Billion Fine in Precious Metals Fraud Scheme Spanning 10 Years

In 2020, JP Morgan Chase admitted that it scammed precious metals investors of billions of dollars by rigging the markets for more than ten years. To avoid prosecution, the company agreed to pay almost $1 billion in fines for schemes related to defrauding precious metals futures exchanges and US Treasuries. Rumors and speculation have circulated … Read moreJP Morgan Chase Paid $920 Billion Fine in Precious Metals Fraud Scheme Spanning 10 Years

Is Owning Precious Metals Legal?

On April 5, 1933 President Franklin Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 which outlawed the private ownership of gold by citizens.

For a duration lasting 41 years in the mid-20th century, the government made it a crime for the people to own, hold or transact in sound money.

Following the resignation of Nixon, one of the first laws signed by President Ford included a bill which reversed Roosevelt’s Executive Orders.

It has been legal for anyone to own, hoard, buy and sell gold in the United States since December 1, 1974.