Why Trump Wants Canada and Greenland

trump wants greenland and canada

By floating ideas of territorial acquisition, Trump highlights the United States’ desire for reliable, domestic-adjacent sources of minerals that underpin everything from electric vehicle batteries to advanced military hardware.

What is 3TG?

3TG refers to four minerals that are commonly used in various industries, including the electronics, jewelry, and automotive sectors. These minerals are often collectively referred to as “conflict minerals” because their mining and trading have been linked to human rights abuses and armed conflict in certain regions of the world.

Egypt Mints First Gold Ingot from Domestic Mines

The mines in Egypt’s Eastern Desert represent an incredible source of income for the country. Gold from the El Sukari mine is already being used to grow the Central Bank of Egypt’s reserves which have recently been reported to have increased to 125 tons of gold.

South Africa Economy on Verge of Collapse, Brink of Civil War Resulting from Ongoing Blackouts

The US Embassy has issued an advisory for Americans living in South Africa to “maintain 72 hours’ worth of supplies at home by stockpiling non-perishable food, three litres of drinking water per person per day, and medicines and first aid supplies”. Advising people to be prepared for SHTF worst case scenarios.