HSBC, Bank of Nova Scotia & Deutsche Bank Win Dismissal of Silver Price Manipulation Litigation

JP Morgan is now sole custodian of SLV ETF

The litigation began in 2014 with the government accusing the banks of being involved in a multi-bank trading conspiracy to manipulate the price of silver. On Monday, U.S. District Judge Valerie Caproni in Manhattan dismissed the case against HSBC and Bank of Nova Scotia. In 2016, Deutsche Bank settled with the government for $38M in … Read moreHSBC, Bank of Nova Scotia & Deutsche Bank Win Dismissal of Silver Price Manipulation Litigation

Saudi Arabia Taking Active Steps to End Petrodollar Dominance

As the impact of the ongoing banking crisis begins to be felt at home, many Americans are shifting their priorities to protect their financial assets.

The shifting of and diversification of assets is likely continue at a rapid pace in the coming months as excess dollars and crypto funds are moved into hard assets like gold, silver, land, ammunition, firearms and stable food in the coming months as smart investors prepare for further economic hardship.

Two More Wall St Traders Sentenced In Precious Metals Price Manipulation

Both traders were convicted after a jury trial of manipulating market prices of precious metals up or down by placing large “spoof” orders in the COMEX and NYMEX they never intended to fill. The convictions prove that they intentionally manipulated prices for their own gain and increase profits for the banks.