Two More Wall St Traders Sentenced In Precious Metals Price Manipulation

Both traders were convicted after a jury trial of manipulating market prices of precious metals up or down by placing large “spoof” orders in the COMEX and NYMEX they never intended to fill. The convictions prove that they intentionally manipulated prices for their own gain and increase profits for the banks.

Numerous Criminal Convictions Proves Precious Metals Price Manipulation

JP Morgan is now sole custodian of SLV ETF

As controversy and scandal continues to plague the LBMA and banks affiliated with the bullion trading cartel, the Eurasian Alliance is pushing for the creation of a new bullion trading system that offers a new pricing infrastructure to help facilitate emerging markets. The most recent scandal at the LBMA includes the criminal conviction of former … Read moreNumerous Criminal Convictions Proves Precious Metals Price Manipulation