Tokenizing Gold Bullion Bars with Blockchain Technology
cbdc blockchain for tracking gold bars

Public trust in government central banks and global banks continues to erode as the world economy staggers to recover from issues caused by the pandemic response.

Many central banks have begun working on CBDC projects as a means of implementing programmable and controllable currencies even though popular opinion opposes the implementation of the G7, WEF and BIS recommendations, further eroding trust in the bankers who have a long history of corruption.

One way that blockchain ledger technology can help enable public trust in central banks, governments and global banks is by providing a means of transparency into the asset being held on behalf of customers.

The Dubai Multi Commodities Center recently announced a partnership with Comtech Gold to create TradeFlow warrants using Comtech Gold Tokens (CGO) based on customers depositing gold in approved vaults.

Comtech Gold is built on the XDC blockchain network with each contract on the network being represented with one gram of pure physical gold.

The DMCC TradeFlow project is already backed by 122 kilo gold bars.

NY Federal reserve launches CBDC “trial” on the heels of FTX collapse
central bank digital currency

Several weeks ago, the New York Federal Reserve quietly launched a 12 week long trial of a CBDC “digital dollar” pilot program in partnership with global banking giants like Citigroup Inc, HSBC Holdings Plc, Mastercard Inc and Wells Fargo & Co.

The NYFR describes the project as an attempt to test the feasibility of using blockchain tokens and distributed ledger technology as a mechanism for settlement of liabilities.

This is one of many software and technology projects that the Federal Reserve Bank of New York has been developing through their New York Innovation Center.

The Biden administration has been attempting to take control over the digital assets markets through a combination of Executive Orders and enforcement with the hiring of 70,000 new IRS agents.

On March 9, 2022, Biden signed Executive Order 14143, titled “Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets”.

Government agencies have been funding research projects at private institutions aimed at implementing a fully programmable digital currency such as those endorsed by the G7 and World Economic Forum (WEF).

What is the Federal Reserve New York Innovation Center?
The Federal Reserve Innovation Center is a group within the bank who’s mission is to collaborate on technology research, experimentation and prototyping with banking regulators, the banking industry, academia and international central banks, the Federal Reserve System, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Innovation Hub, academia, and the private sector through technical research, experimentation, and prototyping.

The team is chartered to generated insights into high-value central bank-related opportunities, enabling stakeholders and the central bank community to enhance the functioning of the global financial system.

Much of the G7 are following recommendations for CBDC systems endorsed by the WEF that are designed to be centrally controllable and programmable which is the opposite of having a decentralized blockchain.

Back in 2019, the General Manager of the International Bank of Settlements openly spoke about their intent to use CBDC to control which products citizens will be allowed to spend their digital dollars.

The Federal Reserve New York Innovation Center is likely following suggestions endorsed and suggested by the WEF, IBS, G7 and other organizations that have no absolutely no legal authority over the US economy or any other economy.

According to data provided by, more than 60 countries are currently researching or launching pilot programs using CDBC blockchain ledger technology.

Many of the political rank and file in Congress reportedly received donations from FTX and affiliated crypto organizations in the run up to the mid-term elections.

Republicans in Congress have already announced their intent to hold hearings on the collapse of the FTX crypto exchange and into influence peddling by the White House.

In the current bankruptcy petition, the company discloses that it owes its top 50 creditors a total of $3.1 billion dollars but has yet to publicly disclose the list of names.

Shortly after signing EO 14143, former US President Bill Clinton and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair were both guest speakers at the Crypto Bahamas Conference.

Private Gold Ownership in the United States

During the pandemic the US Mint sold more ounces of gold, silver and platinum coins than ever before.

As a result of the pandemic, private ownership of gold and silver is now the highest it has been since Roosevelt confiscated gold in 1933.

Looking at only cumulative bullion sales of the American Gold Eagle coin series, the US Mint has sold roughly 45.5 million troy ounces of gold eagles from 1986 until 2021.

So far in 2022, it’s reported that the US Mint has sold roughly 976,000 ounces of gold coins as of November.

There have been a variety of problems reported by the US Mint in recent years related to supply chain and planchets that have effected the production of both Gold and Silver bullion coins.

Many investors have been fleeing from the stock and crypto markets due to ongoing inflation, mass layoffs, rising interest rates and fears of a recession or worse. Millions of Americans continue to lose faith in the US economy as millions face layoffs the war in Ukraine drags on without any end in sight.

Buyers demand low premiums on gold and silver. Investors, preppers and many every day Americans continue to search for a safe haven investment as some lobby for a return to a gold-standard economy.

As of March 5 2021, the US Mint stores 147.3 million troy ounces of gold at Fort Knox, down from the highest highest historic gold holdings of 649.6 million ounces in December 31, 1941.

According to the US Mint more than 512.3 million troy ounces of gold has been removed from the Fort Knox Gold Repository since 1941.

According to weekly published reports by the Federal Reserve, roughly 20 million troy ounces is stored in the New York Federal Reserve system.

Monthly Gold Report data provided by the Department of Treasury shows 261,498,926.2 million troy ounces in their inventory, with roughly 147.6 million ounces being held in Fort Knox, 43.8 million in Denver, CO and 54.0 million in West Point, NY. The DoT reports gold holdings at the Federal Reserve to be around 13.5 million ounces.

Between 1941 and 2022, the Department of Treasury seems to have a discrepancy of roughly 388 million troy ounces of gold.

Maybe someone should be asking where did all the gold that was removed from Fort Knox go?

Blockchain Backed Gold Ownership

Many central banks that increased their gold holdings during the pandemic, including Russia, China and other BRICS nations are experimenting with blockchain technology and how it may be able to help their economy.

Bitcoin and other decentralized blockchain technologies are a perfect use case to establish trust amongst sovereign central banks and in developing and emerging nations to validate their gold, other precious metals and minerals holdings to allow for fair participation in world trade and wealth building.

The first mined Bitcoin’s Genesis block contains an encrypted message attached to the blockchain that reads, “The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.” 

Cryptocurrency technology was created in response to the crash of the financial markets in 2008.

The purpose behind the bitcoin, cryptocurrency and blockchain movements have evolved over the last decade.

Most importantly, these technologies can enable trust for the banking and financial system that has been plagued by corruption and mistrust since Roosevelt helped the bankers at the Federal Reserve steal the gold from the American public in 1933.

Should I buy 1 gram gold bars?

Many investors that are beginning to diversify their portfolio often wonder what they should buy. Even with a high premium relative to the gold spot price it might make sense to buy 1 gram gold bars.

One gram size gold bars are one of the most common ways beginning investors buy gold bars. They are relatively inexpensive and you can purchase them from virtually any online bullion dealer, eBay or your local coin shop. Most one gram gold bars comes sealed in a manufacturers assay card which displays the weight, the purity, the mint and other particulars about the gold bar.

One major advantage of one gram gold bars is that they are very easy liquidate if the need arises.

One Gram Gold Bars Premium

One gram gold bars carry a high premium relative to buying larger 1 oz gold bars. While the premium when you buy can be as high as 20%, there are places to liquidate if you need to where you can recapture some, if not all of the premium.

Most 1 gram gold bars that you buy will come sealed in an assay card from the manufacturer. The assay card will contain detailed information that describes the bar inside the package.

Assay cards for 1 gram bars will show the manufacturer, the purity of the gold bar, the weight of the gold bar and other details. It’s important to keep the bar in the sealed assay card if you wish to retain the premium if you need to liquidate. Having the gold bar in the sealed assay card will give the buyer more confidence that the bar inside is genuine.

What size is a 1 gram gold bar?

1 Gram Gold Bar Size & Product Details

      • Purity: .999 fine gold minimum (24 karat).
      • Gold Weight: 1 gram, or 0.0322 troy ounces.
      • Approximate dimensions of the package:
        • Width: 2-1/8 inches
        • Length of the package: 3-3/8 inches
        • Thickness of the package: 3/16 of an inch.
    • Assay pack with enhanced security traits.

Common Gold Bars Sizes and Weights for New Investors
2.5 gram gold bar from PAMP Suisse

Learn Why Gold Bars are a Good Starting Point for Beginning Investors

Gold has been one of the most popular ways of accumulating and building wealth for thousands of years. For investors, gold bars are one of the most economical and convenient way of diversify investments into precious metals as a way of preserving wealth.

There are many types and sizes and weights of gold bars available. Various sizes of Gold bars are available that are intended to suit the needs of individuals with different budgets. Fractional gold bars are a popular choice for many and there are suitable options at all price points.

Private mints operate on a different business model than sovereign mints, thus gold bars are typically priced lower per ounce than gold coins which makes adds to their attractiveness as an investment.

Gold Bars By Weight

Each size gold bar has it’s benefits and trade-offs when considering them for investments. Gold bars come in a variety of weights and sizes. Typically, there are two weight classes of gold bars, those that come in sizes measured in grams and those measured in troy ounces.

Gram size gold bars are generally the least expensive and easiest to store but carry a higher premium over gold spot price when factored on a per troy ounce basis. These bars are available in many different sizes, from as small as one half gram up to one kilogram.

Troy ounce size gold bars have a lower premium per ounce but require a larger cash outlay at the time of purchase.

1 Gram Gold Bar

One gram size gold ingots are one of the most common ways beginning investors buy gold. They are inexpensive and you can buy them from virtually any online bullion dealer or your local coin shop. Newly minted one gram gold ingots come sealed in a manufacturers assay card which displays the weight, the purity, the mint and other particulars about the bar.

One major advantage of one gram gold bars is that they are very easy to liquidate if the need arises.

2.5 Gram Gold Bar

Buying 2.5 gram gold ingots provide investors a hedge against inflation like larger bars, but at a lower point. 2.5 gram gold bars that are made of .9999 fine gold are still very affordable and have a lower premium than their 1 gram counterparts.

5 Gram Gold Bar

Five gram gold ingots make a great investment. At this weight the premium per gram over spot price because more reasonable for beginning investors. At current gold spot prices, 5 gram gold bars can often be purchased for a few hundred dollars. It’s a small price to pay to have peace of mind and financial security for the future.

10 Gram Gold Bar

At just under 1/3 of a troy ounce, the 10 gram gold bar provides a nice entry point for a gold investor. At this weight, one can feel the weight of this bar. This size allows you to grow and diversify your portfolio with an affordable low-premium investment option.

PAMP Suisse Lady Fortuna 10 gram gold bar
PAMP Suisse Lady Fortuna 10 gram gold bar in assay

For new investors, there is an opportunity to buy a 10 gram gold bar at spot price from SD Bullion. More details can be found on our spot deals page.

20 Gram Gold Bar

The 20 gram gold bar is another popular option for those who want to purchase less than an ounce of gold at a time.  It weighs .64 troy ounces.  It is a convenient investment for those who are accumulating gold on regular basis.

For individuals who wish to purchase gram bars in larger sizes, options are available in 50 gram and 100 gram bars at a higher price point but often with lower premiums.

Troy Ounce Gold Bars – Advantages and Sizes

Long-term investors stack one ounce gold ingots or larger. They are a popular size for investors due to their low premium over spot gold price.

One troy ounce gold bars are produced by many private mints as well as some government mints. Each one troy ounce gold bar will contain purity levels ranging from .999 to .9999 gold, depending on the mint.

1 Troy Ounce Gold Bar

One ounce gold bars come from their respective mints sealed in an assay card that will show the purity, weight and other minting details. Each one ounce gold ingot will also have this information engraved or stamped on its surface.

Most of the time, it will be cheaper to buy secondary market 1 oz gold bars from online bullion dealers. Secondary market gold ingots will be tested by the dealers for purity before selling.

10 Troy Ounce Gold Bar

Serious gold investors will look to stack 10 ounce gold ingots as close to spot price as possible. 10 ounce gold bars feel much heavier compared to their size due to the density of the gold.

Gold Bars by Mint

Gold bars are minted by both reputable private and sovereign mints. Popular private mints for gold ingots of all sizes include Asahi Refining, Istanbul Gold Refinery, RAND Refinery, Argor-Heraeus and PAMP Suisse. Some sovereign government mints that produce gold ingots include the Perth Mint and the Royal Canadian Mint.

Gold Bar Premiums

Premiums on gold bars will vary from dealer to dealer and will largely depend on the size of the bar. Smaller, gram size gold ingots will carry a higher premium relative to the gold spot price. Larger gold ingots, those that contain one troy ounce or more, are often available very close to gold spot price.

On 1 gram gold bars the premium could be as high as 20% over the value of the gold bar. For gold bars that weigh one troy ounce the premium can be below 1%.

Where Can I Buy Gold Bars in All Sizes?

You can use to search for Gold bars of all sizes and weights that are available from many online bullion dealers. tracks prices of gold bars from many trusted and reputable online bullion dealers and will help you find the best price when you’re ready to purchase.